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Für Mamis | Mum’s Favorite


Heute stellen wir euch zwei Blogs vor, die direkt an die Mütter dieser Welt gerichtet sind. Nachdem zum gefühlten tausendsten Mal Schubladen und Schränke wieder eingeräumt sind findet man hier weitere tolle Vorschläge etwas für oder mit dem Kind zu machen:

RookiemomsThe Toymaker

Viel Spass beim Lesen und Ausprobieren!


To all mums that want to try new things for or with your kid apart from the daily fun routine of reorganizing cupboard and drawer inventories we present to you the following great blogs:

RookiemomsThe Toymaker

Have fun exploring!



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3 Gedanken zu „Für Mamis | Mum’s Favorite“

  1. Uummm, me again. I just wanted to let you know that now I changed the position of your banner to the 125*125 block and changed it with a Breast Cancer Awareness banner as Oct is the international awareness month. Your banner should be up again next month unless someone comes with lots of money to buy the space *grin*.

  2. Hey creative girls,
    Thanks for the links. Too bad that I’m still too busy for any craft project :(
    But I just updated my blog and your banner is now placed at the best position — the header ;)
    Let me know if you want to change it with another design. That one was just taken from your own banner.

    keep creative, girls…


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